Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009 – 18:50

Before we learned the games, we went down to the beach for orientation. Our van only has 10 seats and there are 19 of us including Nana, our interpretor, and Chris, our driver, so we were going to make two trips, but figured it would be a waste of time so we all piled into the van; I had Moi in my lap. It was amazing with so many of us in this tiny van going down a steep mountain road!

At the beach, the man who works here and is in charge of orientation and whatnot showed us how to put on a life vest and paddle a kayak. It's hard to believe he takes himself completely seriously. We spent an hour hanging out at the beach but I didn't go in the water because I hadn't brought my swim trunks.

We had some really good soup for lunch then went to the gym and hung out. We played some basketball while we waited for Derek and Tyler to get ready to teach us the games. They explained the games in about twenty minutes then we set up a volley ball net and played 4 on 4 for about an hour or more. “Frag lowering” was canceled because of rain so we just went to dinner and now we are sitting around a TV watching Japanese game shows. Today has been pretty chill.

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